Study of Safety Training and Training Programs in Japan | AIChE

Study of Safety Training and Training Programs in Japan

The High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan studied and examined the current status of safety training conducted in high pressure gas-related businesses in Japan (e.g. Oil refinery, Petrochemical plant, Filling station, etc), by carrying out the “Research on risk assessment methods and safety training programs employed at high pressure gas-related facilities,” which was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

As part of this project, we conducted a survey of countermeasures for abnormal and emergency conditions at high pressure gas-related businesses in Japan. We reported the results of the survey and made suggestions on a safety training program at high pressure gas-related businesses on the basis of the survey results.

Also as part of this project, we investigated the current situation and the issues regarding the training of engineers in high pressure gas-related businesses in Japan. We reported the results of the investigation, and made suggestions on how to better train the engineers on the basis of the investigation results.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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