More than a century ago, a community of chemical engineers gathered together to establish the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Since then, members of the Institute have continued to affiliate through AIChE’s many communities, fueled by their shared interests, technical expertise, geography, and pursuit of professional, societal, and personal development.
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Technical Communities
Divisions & Forums
Divisions and forums provide programming for AIChE’s technical meetings, and awards and recognition to outstanding chemical engineers in their area of expertise. Join divisions or forums to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, discuss the latest trends, and build lasting business relationships.
Explore These CommunitiesIndustrial Technology Alliances
AIChE Industry Technology Alliances allow industry, academia and government representatives to collaborate and leverage resources for research, technology transfer and other activities.
Explore These CommunitiesTechnical Entities
AIChE’s Technical Entities are distinct communities of chemical engineers and other professionals that address such societal grand challenges as health and nutrition, energy, environment and sustainability, water, and safety. These entities keep AIChE at the forefront of new technologies available to chemical engineers. They expand AIChE’s reach to engineers and scientists who are working in fields beyond core chemical engineering competencies and who are concentrating on similar challenges.
Explore These CommunitiesProfessional/Personal Growth Communities

The student community gives you your first professional credentials, multiple resources for education and networking, plus eligibility for $50,000 in scholarships and awards. Student Membership is offered at no cost to you thanks to the generous support of AIChE’s ScaleUp Sponsors.
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Early Career
Early Career members are a vital and active group of AIChE members. AIChE Early Career Professionals are: Under the age of 35 and have graduated from an undergraduate institution, those new to the working world, Masters or PhD students, those looking for a career in chemical engineering post-graduation, and those who have been working for a few years and starting to advance in their careers.
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Fellow is AIChE's highest grade of membership and is achieved only through election by the AIChE BOD, generally upon recommendation of the AIChE Admissions Committee through whom all nominations for election to Fellow are processed.
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Local Sections
AIChE local sections provide grassroots support for the Institute, essential to meeting the needs of chemical engineers locally. With locations spanning the U.S. and the globe, you don't need to go very far to meet colleagues who share your interests.
Explore These CommunitiesSocietal Needs Communities
IDEAL stands for inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and learning, but it is much more than an acronym. It is a movement committed to driving action, by opening doors and eliminating barriers to advancement for people of diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Explore These CommunitiesPartners
AIChE maintains a close working relationship with a number of other engineering and scientific organizations in the U.S. and around the world. These organizations may span the engineering disciplines or focus on one particular aspect of technology.
Explore These CommunitiesLeadership Communities
Board of Directors
The AIChE Board of Directors is an elected, volunteer board comprised of the following officers: the current president, past president, president-elect, treasurer, and secretary, and 12 directors. Charged with advancing AIChE's aspirations, the board meets regularly with a variety of AIChE entities. In addition, they maintain active correspondence with individual members.
Explore This CommunityOperating Councils
AIChE has 3 operating councils, whose missions are also split among AIChE's three pillars: Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC), Career & Education Operating Council (CEOC), & Societal Impact Operating Council (SIOC). The operating councils work with the various entities that make up AIChE's divisions, forums, committees, local sections, student chapters, etc. to assure that they are aligned with the needs of the members and with each other.
Explore These CommunitiesCommittees
AIChE’s 23 committees function as liaisons between the Board of Directors and the Institute’s membership. Each committee addresses and serves specific fields within the organization and help shape the policy and procedure of the Institute. Each committee reports up to an operating council or directly to the Board of Directors.
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