Membership Pro | AIChE

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Regardless of your career stage, AIChE membership is one of the best ways to meet accomplished chemical engineers and tap into our deep reserve of specialized information.


Access to all of the benefits AIChE has to offer. Great for professionals, educators, students, or retirees!

Professional (U.S.) $199 /yr
Graduate Student $50 /yr
B.S. Graduation Current Year $25 /yr
B.S. Graduation Minus 1-Year $50 /yr
B.S. Graduation Minus 2-Year $100 /yr
B.S. Graduation Minus 3-Year $150 /yr
Post-doctoral Researcher $75 /yr
Emeritus $50 /yr
Retired $100 /yr
Unemployed $50 /yr
Professional (Non U.S.)
Join as a Pro Member

AIChE Pro membership includes:

  • Full Access to CEP
  • Member Discounts on Books, Journals, White Papers, Conferences, & Courses
  • Unlimited credits for Academy Webinars (Live & On-Demand)
  • Full Access to AIChE Engage
  • Full Access to Career Discovery & Virtual Job Fairs
  • Ability to hold office and vote in Elections


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