Vision 20/20

Vision 20/20 Online Self-assessment Tool Now Available
We are pleased to announce that the online version of the vision 20/20 tool has been completed in place of the excel tool used in the past. The updated vision 20/20 assessment contains questionnaires for the Five Industry Tenets and Four Societal Themes (not available on the previous excel version of the vision 20/20 assessment tool).
With the online tool, you will be able to:
- Save and exit the assessment survey and come back to it later to continue
- Share your unique link with other individuals in your organization to fill out parts of the assessment survey
***To access the online assessment tool users will need to fill out the online form to request a personal/unique web link. We will send your link to the email address provided on the form.
In 2011, the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) began a project called Vision 20/20. In this CCPS project, Committee members sought to envision the process safety future and ask what will be the characteristics of companies with great process safety performance in the future. What will distinguish the companies with fewer process safety incidents from those with more process safety incidents? How can we work together in companies and with all our stakeholders to further process safety performance?
Envisioning the future, the CCPS project subcommittee members identified five tenets that companies with great process safety performance will live by. The subcommittee also identified activities that need to occur in the public domain, beyond the tenets that apply to companies. The four societal themes, if achieved, would also have a significant positive impact on process safety performance. Together, the five company tenets and four societal themes were introduced at the Global Congress on Process Safety in 2013 and at numerous other occasions throughout the year.
Five Industry Tenets
These five industry tenets, combined with a fervor for great process safety, provide a powerful framework for Vision 20/20’s success. Process safety results will dramatically improve if a company has:
In a Committed Culture, executives involve themselves personally, managers and supervisors drive excellent execution every day, and all employees maintain a sense of vigilance and vulnerability.
Vibrant Management Systems are engrained throughout the organization. Vibrant systems readily adapt to the organization’s varying operations and risks.
Disciplined Adherence to Standards means using recognized design, operations, and maintenance standards. These standards are followed everytime, all the time, and are continually improved.
Intentional Competency Development ensures that all employees who impact process safety are fully capable of meeting the technical and behavioral requirements for their jobs.
Enhanced Application & Sharing of Lessons Learned communicates critical knowledge in a focused manner that satisfies the thirst for learning.
Four Societal Themes
We’ve come a long way since Flixborough, Seveso and Bhopal. Yet, in spite of industry’s continuing process safety vigilance, catastrophic events still happen. To transform process safety culture, industry and the public need to work together to improve.
Vision 20/20 details how the five tenets of culture, management systems, standards, competency, and lessons learned are enhanced by the community’s involvement, and supported by these four societal themes:
This Enhanced Stakeholder Knowledge allows the public to effectively challenge industry to prevent process safety incidents. The same holds true for industry challenging the public to understand process safety risks.
Responsible Collaboration means working together on a common goal of excellent process safety performance.
Harmonized standards provide consistent guidance for design, operations, and maintenance, to support effective understanding of process safety risk.
Companies use various assessment techniques to assure their process safety management systems are working as intended.