Divisions and Forums | AIChE

In the fast evolving chemical engineering profession, AIChE’s divisions and forums will keep you on the cutting edge of your specialty. Beyond just technical information, divisions and forums give you opportunities for affiliation with top engineers in both general disciplines and emerging fields like biotechnology and sustainability.

Divisions and forums provide programming for AIChE’s technical meetings, and awards and recognition to outstanding chemical engineers in their area of expertise. Join divisions or forums to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, discuss the latest trends, and build lasting business relationships.

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Division & Forum Awards

AIChE Management Division Impactful Patent Recognition Program


• A plaque

• Free one-year Management Division Membership

• Management Division dinner ticket for the award recipient

DeadlineDecember 15, 2024
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the next AIChE Spring Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to PatentRecognition@aichemgmt.org


SponsorsManagement Division (MGMT)

This award recognizes AIChE members who have been granted patents from the US patent office resulting in significant impact on business or society. The focus is on patents that are still in-force and in use that are creating value.

Andrew Chase Division Award in Chemical Engineering


A plaque and a cash award

DeadlineJune 30, 2022
AdministratorsForest Bioproducts Division (FBP)
PresentationThe award is presented at a Division event held at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. Significant discoveries, research, or development, successfully implemented on a commercial scale.
  2. Outstanding chemical engineering contribution(s) in the field of design, operation or production management which led to significant technological improvements.
  3. Distinguished service as a chemical engineering educator, with an emphasis on application of chemical engineering principles to forest products industry technologies.
  4. Outstanding Service to the Division

Nominees must have presented a paper (or papers) at one of the division's symposia describing his or her original contribution(s) in the application of chemical engineering in the forest products or related industries.

Please send nomination materials and any questions to Yulin Deng at yulin.deng@rbi.gatech.edu 

Recognizes an individual's outstanding chemical engineering contribution in the forest products and related industries.

Ansys Particle Technology Forum Service Award


Award consists of $1,000, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

Nomination must be made by a member of PTF EC and must include a brief letter of nomination stating how the nominee contributed to the PTF and the field of particle technology through their service. Send nominations to silvina@soe.rutgers.edu.

SponsorsAnsys, Inc.

This award recognizes a forum member's lifetime outstanding scientific/technical contributions to the field of particle technology, as well as leadership in promoting scholarship, research, development, service and/or education in this field.

Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Teaching Practice


A plaque and honorarium.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEducation Division (EdDiv)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

The nomination, including 1. Division award nomination form, 2. Current resume or curriculum vitae, and 3. a minimum of two and no more than 4 supporting letters. A single pdf file should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Ben Davis.

There should be a clear statement and documentation of the impact of the nominee's work on the field, and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word "For". Self-nominations are discouraged. Re-nomination of candidates is encouraged.

Recognizes an individual who demonstrates effective teaching practices which may include classroom teaching, community outreach, student support, inclusive strategies, mentoring of students and faculty, and/or dissemination of evidence-based techniques.

Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Research


A plaque and honorarium.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEducation Division (EdDiv)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

The nomination, including 1. Division award nomination form, 2. Current resume or curriculum vitae, and 3. a minimum of two and no more than 4 supporting letters. A single pdf file should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Ben Davis.

There should be a clear statement and documentation of the impact of the nominee's work on the field, and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word "For". Self-nominations are discouraged. Re-nomination of candidates is encouraged.

Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Research: Recognizes an individual for outstanding research in education, with a focus on chemical engineering pedagogy, encompassing methods, applications, and assessment. This award can only be won once in a person’s career.

Award for Innovation in Chemical Engineering Education


A plaque and honorarium.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEducation Division (EdDiv)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

The nomination, including 1. Division award nomination form, 2. Current resume or curriculum vitae, and 3. a minimum of two and no more than 4 supporting letters. A single pdf file should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Ben Davis.

There should be a clear statement and documentation of the impact of the nominee's work on the field, and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word "For". Self-nominations are discouraged. Re-nomination of candidates is encouraged.

Award for Innovation in Chemical Engineering Education: Recognizes an individual who has created and/or implemented a pedagogical innovation into a course that has made a significant and documented positive impact on teaching effectiveness and student learning. This award can only be won once in a person’s career.

Award for Service to Chemical Engineering Education


A plaque and honorarium.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEducation Division (EdDiv)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

The nomination, including 1. Division award nomination form, 2. Current resume or curriculum vitae, and 3. a minimum of two and no more than 4 supporting letters. A single pdf file should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Ben Davis.

There should be a clear statement and documentation of the impact of the nominee's work on the field, and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word "For". Self-nominations are discouraged. Re-nomination of candidates is encouraged.

Award for Service to Chemical Engineering Education: Recognizes an individual who has shown dedication and broad service to chemical engineering teaching and learning, especially in Chemical Engineering professional societies. Preference will be given to individuals within 25 years of completion of the highest degree. This award can only be won once in a person’s career.

Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science


The award given is a plaque and $2,500.00.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2024
AdministratorsMaterials Engineering & Sciences Division (MESD)
PresentationThe winner is invited each year as the featured speaker for the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Plenary session at the National AIChE meeting in the Fall.
Nomination Instructions

Nominations for the Braskem Award must be submitted by members of AIChE, by using the general nomination form.

Selection criteria include:

  1. Nominees must be members of AIChE.
  2. The award can be given to an individual or a team.
  3. Significant discoveries, important research, the development of new processes and products, the initiation of new materials and management, education concepts, or outstanding service to the materials community.

The award consists of a plaque and a $2500 cash award. The winner is invited each year as the featured speaker for the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Plenary session at the National AIChE meeting in the Fall.

Email the nomination form (accessible below) to the Braskem Award Committee Chair, Professor Michael Tsapatsis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University tsapatsis@jhu.edu

Nomination Form


The Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science is bestowed annually to a leading researcher in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of materials science and engineering. Previous Winners include many important researchers in the materials engineering field.

CAST Directors’ Award


The award consists of $250 and a plaque presented at the CAST Award Dinner.

AdministratorsComputing & Systems Technology Division (CAST)
PresentationThe award is presented at the CAST Award Dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Candidates must submit an abstract through the AIChE conference website (Confex) by the abstract submission deadline. Presenters for all abstracts selected for any of the CAST Division Poster/Interactive Sessions for areas 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D, or 10E are eligible for the CAST Directors' Award.

SponsorsComputing & Systems Technology Division (CAST)

The "CAST Directors' Award," established in 1997, is given for the best poster presentation at the AIChE Annual Meeting.  The winners are selected by majority vote of CAST Directors and designated poster judges selected by the Directors, who attend the poster session....

CAST Directors’ Student Presentation Award


The award consists of a plaque and a monetary prize:

- 1st Place: $1500

- 2nd Place: $500

- 3rd Place: $200

DeadlineApril 15, 2024
AdministratorsComputing & Systems Technology Division (CAST)
PresentationAward winners will be honored at the CAST Award Dinner at the following AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

To be eligible, the student must be a member of AIChE and present a paper at the Annual Meeting in a CAST sponsored (or co-sponsored) session. The nomination for this award should be made by the student's research advisor. Each advisor may nominate only one student and only members of the CAST Division can nominate students. Students can win this award only once during the course of their studies. The nomination package, in the form of a single PDF file, should include:

- The presentation abstract.

- A single page resume, highlighting the student's accomplishments.

- A single page recommendation letter from the faculty advisor.

- A statement stating the student will be presenting this paper if accepted.

The following additional requirements apply:

- The candidate must be an undergraduate or graduate student when the abstract was submitted;

- The candidate must submit the abstract through the AIChE conference website (confex) by the abstract submission deadline.

- An award can be shared with multiple students in the case of a tie vote in the awards committee or if multiple students orally present the winning presentation;

- Awards will be determined by the quality of the technical content as described in the abstract, quality of the presentation slides, and quality of the oral presentation;

- At least two weeks prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, students will be required to submit the current version of their presentation and a description of the technical importance of their work as a single pdf.

The CAST Division calls for nomination of student presentation award finalists. Eight students will be selected as finalists to present a research paper during the AIChE Annual Meeting.

Nomination package is due April 15, 2024. Note that the student's AIChE membership...
