Human Resource Management for Risk Solutions | AIChE

Human Resource Management for Risk Solutions

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an important domain of compre-hensive risk management. HRM failure must be probably the background of accidents or disgraceful affairs caused by human or organizational factors. In other words, good HRM may be the base of sustainable development. (SDGs) In this paper, Human Resource is a concept of humanity which inclu-des ability, morale, moral, knowledge, wisdom, experience, information, hum-an relations, etc. and the integrated system.

The author will offer common lessons for good risk solutions in future.

More important viewpoint is not detail study of past affairs but considering future loss prevention. The most important thing is generalized lesson but not proper noun or peculiar things in the actual past affairs.

Deep consideration on personality, psychology, recognition and behavior is useful for growing risk sense and professional risk solutions.

HRM is priority to the industrial resources that are man, material, money. Industry is established on three bases that are capital, labor and society.

This is the conclusion of the author as an industrial safety engineer.

Keywords: human factors, organizational factors, risk management


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