Meeting/Workshop/First Friday Presentations | AIChE

Meeting/Workshop/First Friday Presentations

See a list of upcoming and past events here.

Enjoy videos of past events and presentations at the STS-AIChE YouTube Channel

Download archives of STS-AIChE monthly meeting, workshop, First Friday presentations below.

Year Month Presentation Type Speaker(s)
2024 January Panel Discussion - Leadership Development Monthly Dinner

Dr. Andreas Matzakos

Dr. Billy B. Bardin, P.E.

Dr. Lori McDowell

Dr. Symal Poddar

2023 November Collaboration & Partnerships as Keys to Addressing the Dual Challenge Monthly Dinner Zoe Baldwin, Shell Chemicals
2023 November Process Digital Twins for Optimal Plant Operations Monthly Workshop Bill Poe, Schneider Electric
2023 October Collaboration and Partnerships as Keys to Addressing the Dual Challenge Monthly Dinner Jane Stricker, Sr. Vice President, Energy Transition & Executive Director, Houston Enerty Transition Initiative
2023 October The New Vertical Integration: Bringing Renewable Projects from Vision to Reality Monthly Workshop Mickey Reeves, VP, Project Development, TritenIAG
2023 September Engineering Inorganic-Organic Composites for Lithium-Ion Batteries Monthly Dinner Dr. Sibani Lisa Biswal, Senior Associate Dean of Engineering, Rice University 
2023 May New Directions for Chemical Engineering Monthly Dinner

Dr. Dr. José G. Santiesteban

2023 March State of AIChE and Vision for the Future Monthly Dinner

Dr. Billy B. Bardin, P.E., 2023 AIChE President

2023 February Decarbonizing Energy sector: Low-Carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia as energy carrier Monthly  Workshop Hady Abdulhady, thyssenkrupp Uhde USA
2023 January How Can We Minimize the Detrimental Effects of Human Biases on Climate Solution Decisions? Monthly Dinner

Thomas E. Rehm, Ph.D., PE, CCPSC, 

Global Solutions and Outreach Program

2023 January The Road Towards Decarbonization; Regulation, Implementation and Monetization Monthly  Workshop Kristine Klavers, EcoEngineers
2020 September AI & Analytics for Chemical Engineers Monthly Meeting Gopal Salvady & Dr. Vivek Gupta PhD
2020 May Water Forum Webinar Monthly Dinner Workshop Jason Afinowicz, PE, Practice Leader for Water Resources Planning at Freese and Nichols
2020 Feb Future of Control Systems Solutions for Process and Manufacturing Industry Monthly Dinner Workshop Rakesh Verma
2019 Sept Flameless Thermal Oxidation Monthly Dinner Michael Foggia, Process Combustion Corp.
2019 May Learn How Combined Heat and Power Can Help Save You Money and Increase Your Energy Resiliency Monthly Dinner Dr. Gavin Dillingham, Director, DOE's Combined Heat and Power TAP
2019 April Generation IV Nuclear Power: Energy Approach in the 21st Century to Global Warming Challenge Monthly Dinner Pavel V. Tsvetkov, PhD, Texas A&M Nuclear Energy Department
2019 March Global Warming Monthly Dinner Professor Mark Holtzapple, Texas A&M ChE Department
2019 February Advances in Lab and Process Particle Characterization Monthly Dinner Andrew Smith, Sympatec
2019 January Drones, a New Tool for Engineering Applications Monthly Dinner Mike Allison, Raptor Aerial Services
2019 January Achieve Test Run Objectives with Advance Preparation and Real Time Reports Workshop Charles D. Herzog, PE, Herzog Process Services, PLLC
2019 January Blockchain and Additive Manufacturing Workshop Lisa M. Smith, Data Gumbo Corporation
2018 August North America: A Future LNG Superpower? Monthly Dinner Uday Turaga, PhD, ADI Analytics
2018 August Process Combustion Corporation Third Friday Mike Foggia, Process Combustion Corp
2018 August Managing New Technology Risks - DNV GL Technology Qualification Process First Friday Amar Ahluwalia, DNV GL
2018 July A Bold Vision: EHS Compliance in Rapidly Evolving 21st Century World Third Friday Jed Anderson, The AL Law Group PLLC
2018 June Structured Patent Development Third Friday Peter Hanik, Pretium Innovation, LLC
2018 June The Future Price of Oil: A Perspective First Friday Dr. Ron Sills, XTL & DME InstituteSM
J D Kumana, MS ChE, Kumana & Associates
2017 December MILP - A VERSATILE METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION Monthly Workshop Ravi Nath, Nath Technology Solutions, LLC