Dealing with Difficult People | AIChE

Dealing with Difficult People

Often times we end up working with individuals who are difficult to get along with. Problems arise when we are tasked with encouraging, motivating and managing these individuals. This can especially be true in an academic situation. In this webinar, Professor Douglas Ludlow shares his insight and advice about how to deal with difficult people.

Dr. Ludlow has served as Chemical Engineering Department Chair for thirteen years at two different universities and at three different times. Early in his tenure as a department chair he participated in the University of Missouri System’s Presidential Academic Leadership Institute and helped prepare a document for department chairs and center directors on how to deal with difficult individuals and situations. Since that time, this information has been used on numerous occasions, to help with a variety of administrative issues. Although the examples are set in an academic situation, the personnel interactions and situations are fairly universal and can be applied to all types of working environments.

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