Move beyond your understanding of the basics of the Python programming language. In this self-paced course, you’ll have the opportunity to actually use Python programming to learn the essentials of data science. Have you taken ELA270 Introduction to Python Programming for Chemical Engineers? Or, have you gained some basic knowledge of Python programming on your own? Either way, you have the basic knowledge of Python you need to take this self-paced course and learn data science.
Gain an introduction to data science by completing hands-on exercises with Python
Chemical engineers are dealing with more and more complex data. This 12-lesson course will help you keep pace by introducing you to the core areas of data science. You’ll build your confidence by completing a variety of hands-on exercises using Python along with a Temperature Control (TC) Kit (available for purchase). You’ll engage in e-learning content and practice what you learn through activities using Jupyter Notebook and by answering review questions. And, you can get more help with a lesson if you need it by taking a video walk through it. At the end of the course, you’ll complete a final project to demonstrate your learning, take a final quiz and earn a final grade. Leave ready to take the knowledge you’ve gained and put it to use as you advance deeper into the world of data science.
What you’ll learn:
If you have some experience with Python already, you may consider taking ELA270: Introduction to Python for Chemical Engineers and ELA272: Process Dynamics and Control with Python
Chemical Engineers with little or no programming experience. To learn the basics of working with Python, take ELA270: Introduction to Python for Chemical Engineers.
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