Divisions and Forums | Page 5 | AIChE

In the fast evolving chemical engineering profession, AIChE’s divisions and forums will keep you on the cutting edge of your specialty. Beyond just technical information, divisions and forums give you opportunities for affiliation with top engineers in both general disciplines and emerging fields like biotechnology and sustainability.

Divisions and forums provide programming for AIChE’s technical meetings, and awards and recognition to outstanding chemical engineers in their area of expertise. Join divisions or forums to meet new colleagues, exchange ideas, discuss the latest trends, and build lasting business relationships.

Community of Division & Forum Officers

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Division & Forum Awards

George Klinzing Best PhD Award


Award consists of $500, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner.

DeadlineMay 31, 2025
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

•      Full nomination package should consist of a single PDF file that contains all of the following items to be sent to to michael.molnar@dow.com .  This is a one-step process.  Any issues with your nomination will be communicated to the nominator.

1.      Filled nomination form (download Nomination form)

2.      A letter of nomination from the dissertation advisor, must be a current PTF member, should include a critical review stating the value of the dissertation in terms of its originality, significance, and potential applications in the field of particle science and technology. It should also convey how doctoral research contributed to a significant advance or breakthrough in particle technology that will last for a long time. The supporting letters may focus on any of these attributes.

3.      An extended abstract of up to six pages including a list of refereed publications resulting directly from that dissertation.

4.      At least three and no more than four supporting letters (not counting the nomination letter from the dissertation advisor), all of which must be from institutions outside the one granting the dissertation. One of the letters must be from industry. 

5.      If the nominee has previously received any award from AIChE or one of its divisions/forums, an explicit statement of new accomplishments or work over and above those cited for the earlier award(s) must be included (max. of one double spaced page).

This award recognizes an outstanding dissertation by an individual who has earned a doctoral degree. The dissertation can be in any discipline in the physical, biomedical or engineering sciences, with particle science and engineering as its focus.

Harry West Student Poster Award


The Harry West Student Poster Award consists of a certificate and a monetary award to the presenter. Number and amount will be at the discretion of the F&PD judging team. Plaques will also be presented to the department of the award winner.

DeadlineOctober 22, 2015
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
Nomination Instructions

Relevant posters in fuels, petrochemicals, and safety will be identified by submitting an abstract to the Student Poster competition of the AIChE Annual meeting. Posters are not restricted to research topics and may include design case studies and reviews. Posters must describe the student’s own original contribution but may be part of a larger project to which the submitter contributed. Judging for the Harry West Award is separate from the AIChE event. Results in the AIChE event will have no bearing in the selection of winners, nor will the Harry West Award impact AIChE winners.

Award Winner Selection Process

Abstract Submission

The Harry West Student Poster Award is presented during the Student Poster Competition during the AIChE Annual Student Conference. All authors who submit a poster with a topic or application to fuels and petrochemicals are considered. Details can be found on the...

Lawrence K. Cecil Award in Environmental Chemical Engineering


A plaque and $1,500.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEnvironmental Division (ENV)
PresentationThe awardee is invited to deliver an address at an appropriate venue.
Nomination Instructions

Criteria considered in selecting a winner include:

  1. The recipient shall have a considerable record of contributions to the environment through the application of chemical engineering for a period of at least fifteen (15) years of sustained professional activities shown by demonstrated leadership in such areas as research, teaching, engineering, or regulatory activities in either the public or private sector.
  2. The recipient shall have demonstrated the application of chemical engineering principles and technology in research into environmental problems and/or in development of innovative engineering solutions of these problems for the protection of the environment.
  3. The recipient shall have made a significant contribution in design, construction, operation, management, or consulting related to environmental protection facilities or enterprises. 
  4. The recipient shall have a considerable record of service in the activities of the Environmental Division of the AIChE.

Nominations must be submitted to Jason Trembly (trembly@ohio.edu), 2nd Vice Chair, by June 1, 2024

The deadline for accepting nominations is June 1, 2024.

Recognizes an individual's outstanding chemical engineering contribution and achievement in the preservation or improvement of the environment.

Management Award

  • A plaque
  • US$1,000 honorarium
  • Up to US$1,000 for receipt supported expense reimbursement to attend the Annual Meeting (may include coach-class airfare, hotel, and conference registration fee)
  • Management Division dinner tickets for the award recipient and a guest
DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to awards@aichemgmt.org


Nomination Form

SponsorsDuPont de Nemours, Inc.

This award recognizes an outstanding individual who has made a substantial contribution to the management and leadership of engineers involved in the field of chemical engineering. Nominees should be prepared to give a presentation on an important management topic of their choice at the next Annual Meeting if selected.

Management Division Service Award

  • A plaque
  • Up to US$1,000 for expense reimbursement to attend the Spring Meeting (may include coach-class airfare, hotel, and one-day conference registration fee)
  • Ticket for division dinner for award recipient and a guest
DeadlineNovember 30, 2024
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the division dinner held at the AIChE Spring Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to AwardsCommittee@aichemgmt.org

Nomination Form

SponsorsManagement Division (MGMT)

This award recognizes outstanding service to the AIChE Management Division by a member of the Division. The candidate must have participated in a variety of division activities and demonstrated outstanding leadership over an extended period of time.

Management Division Young Leader Award

  • A plaque 
  • US $1,000 honorarium 
  • Up to US $1,000 for receipt supported expense reimbursement to attend the AIChE Meeting in which the award is presented (may include coach-class airfare, hotel, and conference registration fee) 
  • Management Division dinner tickets for the award recipient and a guest
DeadlineSeptember 15, 2025
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the next AIChE Spring Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to yla@aichemgmt.org

Nomination Form

SponsorsThe Chemours Company

This award recognizes an outstanding leader under 40 years old by the nomination deadline who has made a significant contribution to the success of their organization by advancing a scope, project, unit, plant, division, technology, strategy or company that made an impact to the practice or field of chemical engineering. Nominees should be prepared to give a presentation on an important leadership topic of their choice at an AIChE Meeting if selected.

NAMF Forum Award


 Commemorative plaque and $2,000 monetary prize

DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsNorth American Mixing Forum (NAMF)
PresentationAn award lecture and a dinner ceremony during the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Administrators: North American Mixing Forum’s Award for Excellence Committee

Presentation: An award lecture and dinner ceremony during the AIChE Annual Meeting

Please email nominations to Aaron Strand (aaron.strand@spxflow.com), Award for Excellence Committee Chair

Sponsor: SPX FLOW Lightnin

Award for Excellence and Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice.

NAMF Start-up Grant


A single $30,000 grant will be offered, beginning April 15, 2013, in two annual installments of $15,000. The use of grant funds is restricted to direct research expenditures and excludes overhead, administrative charges, secretarial support, academic year charge-out, university/departmental-wide taxes on gifts and the like. The Biennial Conference of the North American Mixing Forum is held every two years.

The recipient is expected to attend the two conferences to present initial results and to present final results. Conference fees including room and board, but not travel expenses, will be waived. Other benefits will accrue. More information and downloadable instructions can be found on NAMF's Early Career Excellence Award in Mixing webpage.

DeadlineJanuary 23, 2015
AdministratorsNorth American Mixing Forum (NAMF)
Nomination Instructions

Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format by January 23, 2013 to Minye Liu - Minye.Liu@usa.dupont.com.

A signed original of the proposal, post marked by the deadline date, should be sent to: Minye Liu, NAMF President, DuPont Engineering Technology, Brandywine 8424, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19898, USA.

The format of the application is open. Enough information should be given to enable a rigorous evaluation of the scientific merits and potential impact of the work.  The text is limited to 4,000 words including, introduction, proposed work, summary and future directions; plus a reasonable number of figures and references.

A title page, including a statement by an appropriate officer of the institute accepting the restrictions on the grant, and a two page vitae (NSF, NIH, NSERC equivalent) are additional.  A select group of finalists will be short-listed and interviewed during March 2013.  The successful applicant will be notified by April 01, 2013.  The decision of the referees will be final.  NAMF reserves the right not to award the grant if no application is judged sufficiently meritorious.

Grant to encourage new faculty to begin research careers in areas that impact the general field of fluid mixing technology.  Mixing is an emergent fundamental engineering science, particularly at the meso and micro scale, and one of the last unit operations to submit to formal academic...

NAMF Student Award


Certificate and monetary prize of $500 for the winner, travel and registration to NAMF’s next Mixing Conference Series (Conferences – North American Mixing Forum) for finalists that are competing and presenting

DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsNorth American Mixing Forum (NAMF)
PresentationEach selected finalist will be invited to present his or her paper at the next North American Mixing Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Deadline: Entries due by March 31 at the latest during year of NAMF’s Mixing Conference, refer to the award webpage for firm details (NAMF Student Award)

Administrators: North American Mixing Forum’s Student Award Committee

Presentation: Each selected finalist will be invited to present their work at the next NAMF Mixing Conference.

Entry Instructions: Please refer to the award webpage for current entry instructions (NAMF Student Award). Contact the NAMF Student Award Committee Co-Chairs, Richard Grenville (rkgmixes@gmail.com) & Sujit Bhattacharya (sujbhattacha@suncor.com) for additional information.

Sponsor: SPX FLOW Philadelphia


SponsorsRohm & Haas

The NAMF Student Award was established to encourage, recognize and reward students for quality research in the area of mixing.

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award


A plaque and an opportunity to speak at AIChE's Annual Meeting.

Award Administrator(s):

Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsNanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)
Presentation The award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Please submit all nominations and applications electronically via email to Reg Rogers at rerogers@missouri.edu        

  • Please describe the candidate’s contributions to research, commercialization, and/or service in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • Please clearly indicate how these contributions qualify as advances in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • For applicants outside of a research setting, applicants may choose, in place of the selected bibliography, to summarize up to four significant achievements, such as new materials or processes developed, improvements to current products and methods, start-up companies or licenses granted based on inventions, or contributions to public policy, education, and regulation. Please provide accompanying patent information if any. Summaries should not exceed 5 pages.

Nomination Form

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of nanoscale science and engineering in the field of Chemical Engineering through scholarship, education or service.
