Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSMM) | AIChE

PSMM is dedicated to sharing the basic facets of Process Safety Management in the oil, gas, chemical and allied industries with the next generation of professionals.  PSM2 complements the objectives of the other three established symposia in AIChE’s Global Congress on Process Safety through its focus on introducing the fundamentals of Process Safety to young practitioners and those new to the specialty.  PSM2 is a forum where Process Safety professionals at all levels can share their career experiences to help assure continuity of the profession.  PSM2 is moving toward full standing in its own right as one of the key symposia in the Global Congress on Process Safety.

PSMM Chair

Featured Topics 

  • Lessons Learned As Young Engineers in Process Safety in the First Few Years 
  • Culture as a Foundation in Fundmental Practices of Process Safety 
  • Transition From Academia to the Production Plant: Evolution of Safety
  • Lessons Learned from Actual Mentoring of Proteges within the Process Safety Organization
  • Developing Effective Mentors and Proteges within the Process Safety organization
  • Lessons Learned Throughout a Career in Process Safety 
  • Sound Foundations in Fundamental Practices of Process Safety 
  • Roundtable Panel Discussion - Early Career Issues Q&A with Invited Speakers