Vivek Bichave is a Chemical engineer with 33 years of experience in Project Management, Operations, Commissioning, Decommissioning, Debottlenecking, Turnaround Management and Process Safety Management, in Chemical, Petrochemical, Fertilizer, and Refining and Oil & Gas industries.
His carrier accomplishments Include: Project team lead developing RIL Process Safety Management Framework. Developing and Implementing systems and processes including Management of Change Framework in construction and later in steady state at Finolex Industries Limited.
Project Manager developing Design data for relocation and commissioning of old plants. Establishing functional assurance framework for managing Major Process safety risks, leading several major incident investigations and internal and external Process safety and Management audits, leading Major Turnarounds, Plant Manager in Reliance Industries limited and Finolex Industries. Subcommittee Chairman for Revision of OISD Standards 206 (Safety Management System and 105 (permit to work) and PNGRB T4S regulation for Refinery and Gas Processing plants.