Design and manufacturing of a low-cost vaccine candidate for COVID-19 | AIChE

Design and manufacturing of a low-cost vaccine candidate for COVID-19

This course will emphasize the importance of designing therapeutic proteins and vaccines for manufacturability. Neil Dalvie will give examples of improving manufacturability of multiple vaccines for rotavirus and COVID-19. The lecture will demonstrate how simple, rational, protein engineering to improve manufacturing can accelerate clinical translation of therapeutics, and should be applied early in drug discovery and design. The utility of alternative microbial hosts for production of therapeutic proteins will be discussed. Fast-growing microbes enable large-scale, low-cost processes, and facilitate rapid product testing and iteration


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This Live Event was conducted on Monday, October 17, 2022, 11:00am EDT and is now being archived for On-Demand viewing. The process typically takes 3-4 days.
  • Source:
    PD2M - Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
  • PDHs: