Project 235: Managing the Impact of Natural Disasters on the Process Industries | AIChE

Project 235: Managing the Impact of Natural Disasters on the Process Industries

Project ID 


Project Scope 

Proposal: Deal with the subject of catasctrophic natural disasters and their potential impact on chemical and petrochemical process particularly with regard to common mode failures and supply chains. Address issues related to and the importance of planning. Including impact to infrasctructures. 

Benefits: Natural disasters can cause a wide spread damage and affect operations at a site in addition to internal and external infrasctructure damage. Impacts can easily extend to a company's own supply chain. Understanfing how these occurrences can affect operations allows the site and compnay to prepare for, deal with, and recover from natural disasters more quickly. 

Accepting Volunteers 


Project Status 

Project Complete

Status Updated On 

May 30, 2014

Project % Complete