5th Commercializing Industrial Biotechnology | AIChE

The Commercializing Industrial Biotechnology conference spotlights best practices, lessons learned, and technology innovations for accelerating commercial production of bio-based products. This is the only conference focused on scale-up and commercialization of new products in the synthetic biology, fermentation-based products, and industrial biotechnology space. 

This conference helps drive the industry forward by fostering pre-competitive knowledge exchange, networking, and community building.
Kirsten R. Benjamin, Vice President, R&D, Amyris, Inc.

Top Reasons to Attend

  • Hear hard-won lessons from industry veterans — and draw inspiration for your own technology development efforts
  • Learn about new enabling technologies, products, market needs, and companies
  • Network with technology leaders, and find new funders, collaborators, or teammates
  • Gain visibility for your company and technology

Nominate for 2022 SBE Awards

Nominations are also being accepted for the Biotechnology Progress Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication. The deadline to nominate is July 1, 2022.

Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers

Conference Chairs

Organizing Committee

  • Jason Ryder
    Joywell Foods
  • Brian Davison
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Olivier Rolland
    Toulouse White Biotech
  • Emily Greenhagen
    Ginkgo BioWorks

Did you

Sponsorship allows you to demonstrate your impact to this high-level audience and the larger industrial biotechnology community. As a sponsor or exhibitor, you will share your technical expertise and educate attendees on how your products and services can help overcome challenges in this field.

AIChE Member Events Discount

Did you know that annual AIChE memberships offer great discounts on conferences and events? Become a member and the discount to this one event will practically cover the rest of the year!