The Importance of Process Safety Management Systems | AIChE

The Importance of Process Safety Management Systems

Leading companies in the petrochemical oil and gas industry have diligently worked to develop and implement robust process safety management (PSM) systems to ensure good overall performance.  In United States and in Europe regulations were passed requiring companies handling/processing hazardous chemicals implement process safety management systems.   While these requirements differ somewhat the goal is the same to reduce or eliminate catastrophic process safety incidents.   However, catastrophic accidents continue to occur at a rate that is not too different than before the implementation of these PSM type regulations.  One common causal factor is that somewhere the management systems failed.

Robust management systems with high integrity require a journey that never ends and without proper maintenance even the best management systems will exhibit wear and tear just like any mechanical system.   In order to avoid degradation of performance, it is essential to have a good management systems integrity program including: a continuous commitment from leadership; winning the hearts and minds of the workforce; and generating pride, commitment and motivation across your workforce.  This paper outlines a framework that every good management systems integrity program has and can be customized and for your company.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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