Adjustable Weights Simplify Balance Testing
The standard line of adjustable cavity test weights simplifies routine balance testing in production environments. The weight cavity includes a threaded aperture that can be adjusted with a gentle twist, requiring no specialized equipment. The weights are produced according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 guidelines for quality measurement systems, conform to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards, and fulfill International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) R111 metrological recommendations. The knob-style test weights range from 1 mg to 20 kg, are manufactured of stainless steel, resist dust and moisture, and can be cleaned with alcohol. They are available as individual weights or as a set.
Mettler Toledo

Flowmeters Simplify Operation in a Variety of Flow Measurement Applications
The Proline 300/500 (compact/remote) Coriolis mass and electromagnetic flow instruments simplify installation, speed commissioning, and streamline operation and maintenance tasks. The product family includes 11 Promass Coriolis mass flowmeters with diameters of 0.083–14 in. that measure flows up to 100,000 ton/day and three models of the Promag electromagnetic flowmeters with diameters of 0.083–78 in. that measure volume flows up to 634 million gal/day. Both types are available in models suitable for high temperatures, corrosive fluids, and hygienic and sterile applications. Transmitter housings, available in aluminum, a hygienic option, or stainless steel, have a two-chamber design. The front-mounted chamber connects the power source, wiring, digital inputs and outputs, Ethernet service access port, and device display; the second chamber provides access to electronic modules for repair. The instruments are suitable for safety integrity level (SIL) 2 and 3 applications.

Wireless Adapter Retrieves Stranded Information in Hazardous Locations
Smart measurement instruments in hazardous locations communicate diagnostic and process data through the highway addressable remote transducer (HART) protocol, yet often that information is unused because many HART instruments communicate only their analog signals. The wireless THUM adapter, designed to operate in hazardous areas, retrieves this formerly stranded information to provide insight for planned maintenance. It is especially useful with safety instrumented systems (SIS), as well as in refineries and chemical plants. The adapter converts the wired HART signal to WirelessHART and transmits data to a gateway, which in turn connects to the host systems via an industry-standard wired connection, usually Modbus or Ethernet. The adapter connects directly to the wired devices via threaded conduits. The device now meets FM Approvals and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) explosionproof standards.
Distributed Control System Measures Operational Profitability
Distributed control systems (DCS) have typically controlled the efficiency and safety of a process, but without the ability to measure profitability in real time. The EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS features real-time accounting (RTA) models that enable financial performance to be evaluated at the equipment asset level. Users can more easily identify the impact of decisions on the profitability of the operations. The DCS works in tandem with the EcoStruxure Profit Advisor software, which applies the RTA model and builds the algorithms into the process controllers, extending real-time accounting capabilities to every point in the process. The RTA models can be customized to suit a variety of industrial operations.
Schneider Electric

Measurement and Imaging System Provides Chemical Analysis in a Mobile Platform
The Specim IQ mobile hyperspectral imaging camera instantly analyzes chemical and physical properties, without the need for complex mathematics or signal processing skills. The camera measures 8.14 × 3.58 in., weighs 2.86 lb, and uses rechargeable batteries and secure data (SD) memory cards. A built-in global positioning system (GPS) records the measurement location with the recorded data, and data can be transferred to a computer via a universal serial bus (USB) connection. Companion software allows users to determine data handling, specify camera settings, build models that define how hyperspectral data should be processed and analyzed, and create applications to get immediate results from the measurements on location.
Specim IQ

Speed Sensor for Conveyor Belt Prevents Damage to Rotating Equipment
The Model BSD motion-control detector indicates when a conveyor belt has slowed or stopped moving. It can be adjusted to perform as an over-speed, under-speed, or zero-speed control. The output can be wired to a programmable logic controller (PLC) or distributed control system (DCS). An optional noncontact motion controller or programmable motion controller can handle up to two separate circuits, one for machinery shutdown and one for an alarm. The unit is able to shut down rotating equipment before damage occurs. It protects interlocked conveyor belts, especially if one of the belts fails due to overloading or tearing. Installation requires no drilling or tapping of the tail pulley shaft.
Conveyor Components
Testing Equipment Ensures the Stability of Integrated Power Systems
Individual pieces of grid equipment such as generators and inverters may operate correctly, but how well their control loops interact when they are connected as a system is often unknown. Grid Thumper tests complete systems, including microgrids, backup power systems, and distribution grids, to detect harmful instabilities that would otherwise be invisible. It briefly connects large, time-synchronized resistive and reactive loads up to 1 MW, often for a fraction of a second; then two sensors — the microPMU micro-synchrophasor and PQube 3 power quality analyzer — record the grid’s system response. The equipment provides time-stamped measurements of 120 samples per second and reveals grid stability characteristics such as the natural frequency, damping coefficient, and resilience of backup generators and uninterruptable power supply (UPS).
Power Systems Lab
Engineering Services
Testing Services Help to Ensure Safety and Efficiency of Therapeutics
This range of chemistry testing services can characterize physicochemical properties and structural attributes of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and biosimilars. The service platform uses methods that ensure rapid sample analysis and reporting. Methods are available to characterize protein structure, carbohydrate profile, post-translational modifications, and impurities using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) instruments. The testing services comply with the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Human Use (ICH) Q6B guidelines for pharmaceuticals for human use.

Testing Facility Adds Planetary Mixer Suited for Mixing Slurries and Pastes
The Ross Test and Development Center has added a planetary mixer to its line of mixers and blenders for specialty mixing applications. The 4-gal planetary dual dispenser (Model PDDM-4) is especially suited to handling thick slurries and highly filled pastes. It is equipped with two high-viscosity blades and two high-speed dispensers; all four agitators rotate on their own axes while orbiting the vessel, which ensures rapid powder wet-out and deagglomeration. The mixer is designed for vacuum operation and includes a jacketed mixing vessel. The unit delivers dispersion and uniformity over a wide viscosity range up to about 2 million cP. The facility, which has its own analytical laboratory, runs proof-of-concept demonstrations such as high-shear emulsification, particle-size reduction, and dry blending.
Charles Ross & Son
Fluids and Solids Handling
Programmable Pump Provides Precision Servo Control
The Intelligent Programmable pump combines the valveless STH stepper pump with a programmable driver in a compact design. The driver provides precision servo control of the STH pump’s stepper motor for resonance-free, quiet operation. The pump includes five programmable inputs and two outputs, and is compatible with multiple programming platforms, including Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, and LabVIEW. It supports analog 0–5 VDC, RS-232, and CANopen protocol. An EtherCAT communication module is available as an option. The programmable driver and stepper provide precise control of the CeramPump valveless piston pump.
Fluid Metering

Metering Pump Provides Pulse-Free Flow
The MT8 triplex metering pump handles a variety of processing fluids at low flowrates and high pressures. Its multiple-diaphragm design provides pulse-free flow without the need for pulsation dampeners. The pump exceeds the American Petroleum Institute (API) 675 standard for controlled volume of positive-displacement pumps for petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services with regard to steady-state accuracy (±1%), linearity (±3%), and repeatability (±3%). Flow capacities of 0.06–8.0 gal/hr with discharge pressure ratings up to 350 psi for nonmetallic pump heads and 3,500 psi for metallic pump heads are available. An integral relief valve protects the pump from over-pressurization on the discharge side. The replenishment valve system in every piston ensures optimum actuating oil on every stroke for continuous accuracy and protects the pump from damage in the event of a blocked suction. Electronic flow control increases accuracy and reliability, and hydraulically actuated diaphragms provide superior performance across the entire pressure range.
Wanner Engineering, Inc.
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