YPOV: Should You Pursue PE Licensure? | AIChE

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YPOV: Should You Pursue PE Licensure?

Becoming licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE) takes dedication. Having a PE after your name signals to employers and clients that you have competence in your field and helps set you apart from your competitors.

Although the requirements to become a PE vary from state to state, the basic steps remain the same throughout the U.S. First, you must earn a four-year degree in engineering from an accredited college or university, and then you must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. You must complete four years of engineering experience under a licensed PE before you can take the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam. If you pass the PE exam, you can then obtain a license from your state’s licensing board. To retain that license, PEs must maintain and improve their skills by fulfilling continuing education requirements.

“I have been a PE for 14 years, and I believe that the PE license is a very important credential to be aware of and pursue,” says Jean Andino, an associate professor of chemical engineering at Arizona State Univ. (ASU). “Licensing provides that ‘stamp of approval.’ I doubt that anyone would consider going to a doctor that was not board certified or a lawyer that had not passed the bar exam,” she says. “Thus, it follows that the engineering profession, a profession that impacts lives, would also have a licensing...

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