AIChE Journal Highlight: Microreaction Technology Comes of Age | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Microreaction Technology Comes of Age

Journal Highlight

Microreaction technology has matured over the past two decades, from simple devices and concepts to diverse commercial equipment and applications. This evolution has occurred in parallel with process intensification efforts aimed at using microreaction technology at much larger scales. The impetus behind this movement is the inherent advantages of continuous flow processing, advances in equipment fabrication technologies, and an expanded toolbox of organic reactions enabled by continuous processing.

In the March 2017 AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Flow Chemistry — Microreaction Technology Comes of Age,” Klavs F. Jensen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) discusses the current status of microreaction technology, with emphasis on enabling technologies for reaction and separation equipment.

“The confluence of microreactor technology and the adaptation of continuous flow technology in organic chemistry has produced significant advances in the past two decades,” Jensen writes. “Organic chemists have greatly expanded the reaction toolbox, and engineers continue to develop new reactions and processes.”

Reactors. Microreactor systems typically comprise several components, including pumps for delivering reactants, flowmeters and controllers, reactors with...

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