Profile: A Journey from Tehran: Overcoming a Revolution | AIChE

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Profile: A Journey from Tehran: Overcoming a Revolution


The late 1970s were a tumultuous time for Iran, a nation pervaded by feelings of unrest. In 1979, a tide of Iranian citizens frustrated with the increasing westernization of their country toppled the ruling monarchy.

In the years before the revolution, under the reign of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi and his father before him, Iran had been thrust into modernity — roads and railways expanded, women were empowered, and the Shah developed budding relationships with western powers. Islamic laws were replaced with western ones, and the monarchy banned traditional Islamic clothing, namely the veiling of women, as well as the separation of sexes associated with Islam. Opposition was quickly squashed; conservative political parties were disbanded and protests were violently disrupted. The government was seen as brutal, corrupt, and unlawful...

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