ChE in Context: Be a Champion of Engineering and Science | AIChE

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ChE in Context: Be a Champion of Engineering and Science

The ChE in Context

Chemical engineers are key leaders and solution providers at the forefront of many of society’s greatest challenges. Navigating technical environments and promoting the best available information within the technical community for these challenges may come easily to many of us, but communicating these concepts and information to the broader world can be more difficult.

Conversely, legislative and regulatory offices are constantly presented with diverse issues upon which they must take action. No individual or small group of people begins with the in-depth knowledge and expertise required to create informed, strategic, and optimal rules or laws. They often must rely on experts who can distill the most critical information and serve as knowledge resources and advocates for a best path forward. Chemical engineers have great potential for impact in this area by generating and sharing salient facts to inform rules and regulations.

Approaching regulatory and legislative bodies can be daunting for those not used to it. To empower and activate our members as communicators of robust science, AIChE’s Public Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC) has created an Advocacy Toolkit with an array of resources to support members who are looking to share their expertise with governmental decision-makers. This toolkit includes helpful one-pagers covering written, phone, and in-person best practices...

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