Books: September 2019 | AIChE

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Books: September 2019


Process Safety Leadership from the Boardroom to the Frontline

Center for Chemical Process Safety, AIChE-Wiley, New York, NY, and Hoboken, NJ, $99.95, July 2019, ISBN: 978-1-119-51931-7


Releases of chemicals and other hazardous materials pose significant — potentially catastrophic — threats. An alarming number of such events, all of which are preventable, occur too often, and reducing the frequency of such incidents is a fundamental responsibility of leadership at all levels. Leadership is a key component to achieving sustained safe operation. Effective and informed leaders provide direction, reinforce commitment, and drive responsibility.

Executives, plant leaders, functional managers, frontline supervisors, and other personnel can use this guide to create a viable culture of safety at their organization, implement and maintain disciplined management systems, and address the risks of process safety deficiencies. Detailed yet accessible chapters examine topics such as strengthening management system accountability, driving operation within constraints, ensuring corporate...

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