2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Graduating Senior Networking Mixer Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, FL Student-related, Networking Mixers
2019 Annual Student Conference Keynote Address Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL Breakfasts, Keynotes, Networking Mixers
Town Hall with AIChE Leadership: Innovation & Inclusion Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando Ballroom M Student-related
Chem-E-Car Competition® Safety Inspection and Chem-E-Car Poster Competition Hyatt Regency Orlando, Windermere Ballroom Student-related
ChemE Jeopardy Competition Hyatt Regency Orlando, Florida Ballroom A, Florida Ballroom B, Florida Ballroom C & Plaza International Ballroom F Student-related
Freshman & Sophomore Recognition Hyatt Regency Orlando, Plaza International Ballroom G Student-related, Award Events
Student Chapter Presidents Meeting Hyatt Regency Orlando, Regency Ballroom Q Student-related, Sessions
2019 Recruitment Fair Hyatt Regency Orlando, Windermere Ballroom Foyer Student-related, Young Professional Event, Networking Mixers
Undergraduate Professional Workshop for Women & Minorities Hyatt Regency Orlando Ticketed Events, Student-related
How to Make the Most of your Omega Chi Epsilon Chapter Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando Ballroom T Workshops, Student-related
Developing Your 30-Second Value Statement (aka Your Elevator Pitch) by Alaina Levine Hyatt Regency Orlando, Celebration 5 Workshops, Student-related, Sessions
Student Chapter Awards Ceremony Hyatt Regency Orlando, Plaza International Ballroom G Student-related, Award Events
10 Principles of Engineering and Science that Can Transform Your Career, Your Team, and Your Life Hyatt Regency Orlando, Celebration 5 Workshops, Ticketed Events, Student-related
2019 Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition® Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, FL Student-related
Disability OutReach Inclusion Community (DORIC): Expanding Opportunities and Creating Community Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill 33 Workshops, Student-related
Chemical Engineering in Sustainability (YCOSST) and Policy (WISE) Award Recipient Talks Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando Ballroom M Student-related, Sessions, Poster Sessions
Undergraduate Research Presentations - Chemicals & Environment Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill 31 Student-related, Young Professional Event, Sessions
2019 Undergraduate Student Poster Competition Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, FL Student-related, Poster Sessions
Undergraduate Research Presentations - Materials and Biotechnology Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill 31 Workshops, Student-related
Undergraduate Research Presentations - Energy & Petrochemicals Hyatt Regency Orlando, Bayhill 31 Student-related, Young Professional Event, Sessions