Scott Betts | AIChE

Scott Betts

Research Program Leader, Genome Modification
Corteva Agriscience

Scott is a research program leader for genome modification at Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont™.  He received his BA from Reed College and his PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from The University of Michigan.  After completing postdoctoral research in the Department of Biology at MIT, Scott joined Syngenta Biotechnology in 1999 serving as a research scientist, team leader, and project leader in Enzyme Traits and Agronomic Traits.  While at Syngenta, he led teams that contributed to the development of Quantum Phytase™ and Enogen™ corn.  Between Syngenta and joining DuPont Pioneer in 2012, Scott was a senior scientist and senior manager in the Agriculture Division of Intrexon and co-founded Benson Hill Biosystems.