Books: December 2020 | AIChE

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Books: December 2020


Digital Transformation for the Process Industries

Osvaldo A. Bascur, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, $130, 320 pages, Oct. 2020, ISBN: 978-0-367-22237-6


The chemical process industries (CPI) are undergoing a digital transformation that could help manufacturing plants meet production, safety, environmental, and profitability targets. With this transformation, subject-matter experts could be freed from these concerns, enabling them to focus on data-driven business improvements. Proper use and analysis of existing operations data can help companies to make this vision a reality.

Organizations in the CPI can use the step-by-step process presented in this book to effectively utilize technology and make the culture changes necessary to achieve operational excellence. Examples from several industry-leading companies show how to use real-time data infrastructure to improve yields, reduce cycle times, and cut operating costs. The book also addresses such challenges as effectively integrating operational data with business systems to enable a more proactive, predictive management model for fleets of process plants. Operations leadership,...

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