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Eight Dollars and a Dream: My American Journey

Raj Gupta, with Syd Havely, Lulu Publishing Services, Raleigh, NC, $13.24, 256 pages, March 2016, ISBN: 978-1-483-44756-8


This book tells the story of a remarkable personal and professional journey. Raj Gupta takes you on an amazing behind-the-scenes tour, from his modest upbringing in northern India to the pinnacle of corporate America as a respected CEO.

What differentiates this autobiography from so many others written by CEOs is Raj’s willingness to expound on his journey in a very personal way. In vivid detail, he describes his coming to America in 1968 with his bride, Kamla, and just $8 in his pocket. From there, you follow him along a three-decades-long path to the C-Suite of a Fortune 300 company. He takes you inside Rohm and Haas, from the challenging times to the company’s successful growth, culminating with the high-pressure, widely publicized acquisition by Dow Chemical. Raj’s professional story is filled with challenges, hard decisions, risk taking, occasional self-doubt, and ultimately successes.

Whether you have just started your first job, are at a crossroads midway through your...

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