CEP: YPOV - Anything Can Change, But Not Everything Must | AIChE

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CEP: YPOV - Anything Can Change, But Not Everything Must


Good morning! Or should I say good evening? The sun is just setting as I write this in Mangalore, India, where the time leads the U.S. by half a day. By the time this article is printed, India Standard Time will join the growing list of time zones in which I used to live. My employer, the refining technology company UOP, sends me to various countries like most employers send people to meetings. My boss rarely tells me where I’m going very far in advance because she doesn’t know either. The likely candidates for my next move are Colombia, Russia, and China, but there is still a chance I’ll be sent to some other country entirely. Working as a field service engineer means dealing with a lot of changes, but there’s a lot more to these changes than just passport stamps. I’ve had to learn a few key lessons to survive the challenges of this job.


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