Perspectives on Process Safety from Around the World | AIChE

Perspective on Process Safety from Around the World is consists of sessions that strives to provide a space for different regions around the world to get together at the Global Congress and discuss the issues that are significantly impacting the development in Process Safety in their regions, considering the particular needs of language, and cultural characteristics of each one.  

RPPS Chair

Call for Abstracts 

Encouraged session topics for this track include:


Implementando Seguridad de Proceso

La sesión invita a compartir experiencias exitosas que describan como se ha implementado el sistema de gestión de seguridad de proceso en temas como: manejo de riesgos, manejo del cambio, indicadores de gestión, cultura de seguridad de proceso y lecciones aprendidas. 

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Implementação de Segurança de Processos

A sessão convida a compartilhar experiências bem sucedidas que descrevam a implementação de sistemas de gestão de segurança de processo em temas como: gestão de risco, gestão de mudança, indicadores de desempenho (KPIs), cultura de segurança de processo e lições aprendidas.

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Japan's Process Safety Progress 

This session will be focused on process safety activity in Japan. Although  process  safety  is essential for all countries, the approach to process safety is different for every country. The  social  and  cultural  background  can  influence  how process safety activity is implemented in an organization. Papers  on  this  topic  highlight  process safety activity that comes from Japanese culture.

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Process Safety Activities in China 

This session will focus on process safety activities in China. The Chinese culture has its characteristics compared with the developed countries, the PSM is just a pretty new term issued by Chinese government even though most enterprises have their own HSE management system. The papers combined with latest PSM principle into the existing enterprises are highly recommended. The incorporation of US PSM with Chinese culture for some joint ventures will be useful to promote the development of PSM and prevent the major incidents in China.

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Case Histories

(GCPS Joint Case Histories Session on Wednesday Afternoon of the conference)

Reviews of process safety incidents provide valuable learning opportunities.  This session invites papers to help understand the causes and lessons learned from incidents in the industry with an emphasis on events that have helped define and develop the process safety field over the years. 

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