Emerging Voices: Volunteer to Grow Professionally | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Volunteer to Grow Professionally

Emerging Voices

The COVID-19 pandemic has added strain to already overburdened charitable organizations and other nonprofits, as cars line up for food donations, environmental programs are cut from budgets, and organizations are asked to do more with less. While altruism and social responsibility are key to marketing to millennials, the group is actually less likely than non-millennials to volunteer, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This is a missed opportunity for early-career professionals who can use volunteer opportunities to advance their skills, strengthen their networks, and prevent burnout.

Advance your professional skills. Volunteering is a low-risk environment where you can practice your professional skills, including delegation, communication, organization, and more. Investment professional Chris Laakko extolls volunteering as an opportunity to exercise intellectual confidence, independent judgment, and leadership early in your career, without the institutional guardrails that can stifle personal growth...

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