Career Connection: Learn Video Communication Skills | AIChE

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Career Connection: Learn Video Communication Skills

Career Connections

Suddenly, more of us are working remotely. When our workplaces shut down, we scrambled to set up makeshift home offices, which we share with family members who are also working or learning remotely. As if this isn’t stressful enough, video conference calls can make it challenging to effectively meet and collaborate with our teams.

“Communication is, in fact, more difficult and stressful when we’re meeting with others on video. We can’t make real eye contact, read nonverbal cues, or have side conversations like we do during in-person meetings,” says Eileen Sinett, president of Speaking that Connects, a communications coaching firm.

We may also worry about looking professional on screen, minimizing background distractions, and navigating technology glitches. “We feel the pressure of being ‘on’ constantly when we meet via video. Most of us don’t have the luxury of our own production crew, so we must be the video producer, director, and on-screen talent,” says Donatella Giacometti, executive communications strategist and founder of CEO MEDIA COACH, Inc.

For better or worse, video calls are here to stay...

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