This Week in Chemical Engineering - Fuels & Petrochemicals Spotlight: February 27, 2018 | AIChE

This Week in Chemical Engineering - Fuels & Petrochemicals Spotlight: February 27, 2018

Don't miss out on the latest business and technology news for chemical engineers, featuring select items in relation to Fuels & Petrochemicals.

OPEC's market rebalancing efforts bolstering US shale exports

OPEC's production cut agreement is helping the US become an export powerhouse because it gives shale exporters the opportunity to gain more market share and expand their global footprint, according to Sandy Fielden, Morningstar's director of research for commodities and energy. Total US crude oil exports jumped to an average of 1.3 million barrels per day in the week ending Feb. 9, with West Texas Intermediate's discount to Brent serving as another driver of foreign demand for US crude.

Reduced rates for AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety -- Apr. 22-26, Orlando, FL

Industry 4.0 and modern manufacturing technologies are among the technical-track highlights at the 2018 AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety, Apr. 22-26, in Orlando, FL. The Orlando event also spotlights the quadrennial World Congress on Particle Technology. Reduced early registration rates apply until March 12. Learn about the entire slate of conference offerings and register at the reduced rate today.

Court orders Trump administration to enforce methane rule

A federal court in California ruled Thursday that the Trump administration must begin enforcing a 2016 Obama-era rule curbing methane leaks at oil and gas sites on federal lands. Industry leaders argue that the rule is duplicative and carries unnecessary costs.

Well interaction has its benefits, expert says

Interactions between horizontal wells can help increase oil production as long as operators take the necessary steps to limit negative impacts, according to Ali Daneshy, adjunct professor of petroleum engineering at the University of Houston. The primary cause of well interaction is reservoir depletion, a problem that can be prevented using simultaneous fracturing or zipper fractures, Daneshy says.

Trump administration must review documents related to Keystone XL approval

US District Judge Brian Morris has given the federal government until March 21 to review and release all relevant documents related to President Donald Trump's approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline or offer explanations as to why the papers should not be made public. Justice Department attorneys said a review of the roughly 5 million pages of documents could take over six years and cost $6.3 million.

BP sees oil demand peaking within 2 decades