The global shift toward a more sustainable future is gaining momentum, and the process engineering industries are leading the charge to drive this transformative change. At the heart of this movement, Saudi Arabia proudly hosted the 6th Middle East Process Engineering Conference and Exhibition (MEPEC 2024) on May 6–8, 2024. Organized by AIChE and hosted by Saudi Aramco, MEPEC stands as a world-class platform where thought leaders, academics, and professionals converge to unveil groundbreaking solutions poised to redefine the future of process engineering.
This year, MEPEC 2024 embraced a theme of Digitalizing Process Engineering for a Sustainable Future. The conference underscored the need for accelerated collaboration, creativity, and technology to push the boundaries of decarbonization. The conference’s vibrant exhibition showcased real-world success stories and case studies, demonstrating how industry giants have already started transforming their operations to decrease carbon emissions. These inspiring examples not only serve as blueprints for progress, but also as a call to action for others to join the mission of building a greener, more sustainable future.
In this issue of CEP, we are thrilled to present a special section on carbon footprint reduction, inspired by the trailblazing presentations of MEPEC 2024. We have carefully selected four influential manuscripts from the conference, each highlighting the innovative thinking and bold solutions that MEPEC...
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