AIChE Announces Langer Prizes for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Applications for 2019 Fellowship Due August 1

▲ Robert Langer
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the AIChE Foundation have established a new fellowship program that will assist researchers in pursuing innovative technical work that holds the potential of making valuable contributions to society.
The Langer Prizes for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence will award unrestricted grants of up to $100,000 to assist researchers — particularly those working in chemical and biological engineering — in pursing “blue-sky” ideas that may lead to important technical and commercial innovations. The annual fellowships are being endowed in the name of Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a pioneer in drug delivery and biomaterials for medical applications.
The inaugural prize will be awarded at the Fall 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. Recipients will become part of a network of Langer Prize Fellows, skilled in tackling high-risk, high-impact challenges across a range of industries and commercial pursuits, and will have opportunities to collaborate with other innovators and entrepreneurs. Applications for the 2019 Langer Prize are due August 1.
In a video statement (shown online at, Langer thanked AIChE and his colleagues for endowing the prizes in his name. Speaking to future applicants for the prize, Langer said, “These prizes represent an investment in your potential — as innovator, inventor, and entrepreneur.” He added that the fellowships would help young researchers to pursue big...
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