Heat Exchangers Future Market : Energy Transition - Net Zero By 2050 | AIChE

Heat Exchangers Future Market : Energy Transition - Net Zero By 2050


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 11, 2022


30 minutes

Skill Level




Heat Exchanger market is getting ready for energy transition in the decades ahead. The challenge is satisfying the growing population and energy demand with reducing the risks of global warming, using new technologies to improve energy efficiency to have reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy resources and carriers around the world.

Statistic data shows renewable energy supply and demand will continue to increase but it will not be an easy process since it will require more land for production. Storage systems and batteries developments are required, and new infrastructures must be installed. Using fossil fuels in energy market will continue to provide reliable back up resources, therefore the future of energy market will be a combination of renewable energy and clean fossil fuels to reach carbon dioxide emissions to Net Zero by 2050 according to the roadmap specified by International Energy Agency (IEA) issued in May 2021 and United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 26. Fossil resources will also stay in the global market for non-energy purpose, chemical and petrochemical industry using new technologies such as Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage.

Heat Transfer equipment designers, manufacturers and end users should be aware of the rapid change in supply and demand of heat exchangers due to energy transition to find out how consumers’ preferences will change the technical requirements during design and fabrication of exchangers in the new projects. Following topics will be discussed during presentation:

1) Global Warming


3) Heat Exchangers Market, design and Fabrication challenges for:

  • Fossil Fuels: Oil and Natural Gas for Energy and Non-Energy use
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration
  • Hydrogen and Ammonia
  • Biofuel


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