Ubiquitous: Quantum Dots and their use in Agriculture | AIChE

Ubiquitous: Quantum Dots and their use in Agriculture

Tuesday, September 14, 2021,
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Virtual / Online

TOPIC: Ubiquitous: Quantum Dots and their use in Agriculture

SPEAKER: Dr. Taylor Moot

DATE: Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

TIME: 6:00  Career Discussion

              6:15  Presentation and Q&A

LOCATION: Online Zoom Meeting

COST: Free, Registration required below

ABSTRACT:  At UbiQD (Ubiquitous Quantum Dots), we aim to make our namesake true – making QDs a standard part of all aspects of life. By using CuInS2, a non-toxic, low cost and more stable material than traditional QDs, we are working to make this happen, with an emphasis on solar windows (luminescent solar concentrators) and agriculture. Our main product, UbiGro, is a QD/polymer nanocomposite that is used in greenhouses to modify the solar spectrum in such a way that increases plant yield. An overview of UbiGro, including some technical challenges of bringing a product to market, will be discussed.

SPEAKER BIO: Dr. Taylor Moot received her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Rochester in 2013 and then went on to receive her PhD in materials chemistry from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill in 2017. After her PhD she became a post-doc at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and studied perovskite solar cells. Throughout her PhD and Post-Doc she was an active member in many professional organizations, including the Material Research Society and Employee Resource Groups. In 2020 she became a Senior Scientist at UbiQD where she currently works on quantum dot nanocomposites for agriculture applications.