ANYL26A - Recognizing Criticality and a Call for Action: Waste as an Untapped Source of Valuable Materials | AIChE

Session Co-Chairs:  M. S. Diallo, G. Baier

8:00AM Introductory Remarks
8:10AM Enabling the Sustainability of Critical Materials and Resources: The Role of Separation Science and Technology, R. D. Wesson
8:30AM Wastes as Raw Materials: The Role of Separations Science and Technology, D. T. Allen
9:00AM Critical Materials at the Department of Energy, D. J. Bauer
9:30AM Panel Discussion (Moderator: G. Baier)

Speaker Abstracts

Enabling the sustainability of critical materials and resources: The role of separation science and technology

R. Wesson, National Science Foundation

View presentation here.

The National Science Foundation Science (NSF) has identified research in separation science and technology (SST) as key priority for its interdisciplinary initiative on Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering and Materials (SusChEM). SST plays an essential role in the extraction and processing of basic resources (e.g. energy, water and food), chemicals and critical materials needed to build the sustainable products, processes, technologies, farms and industries of the future. During the 244th ACS meeting in Philadelphia (August 21, 2012), NSF sponsored a 1-day symposium to initiate a discussion of the role of SST in ensuring a sustainable supply of critical materials. To continue and broaden the discussion of SST as a Convergence Platform for SusChEM, NSF is sponsoring a 2-day symposium during the 248th ACS meeting in San Francisco. The focus of this discussion will be the recovery of critical materials and resources (e.g. metals and nutrients) from solutions (e.g. seawater, brackish water, brines and domestic/industrial wastewater) and wastes (e.g. mine tailings and electronic wastes). In my presentation, I will first summarize the discussion and recommendations of our first SST workshop on critical materials and resources. I will then discuss the focus, content and deliverables of the second workshop.

Wastes as Raw Materials: The role of separations science and technology

D. Allen, The University of Texas at Austin

View presentation here.

Industrialized economies use large quantities of fuels, minerals, biomass, and other materials. Although material use varies somewhat among developed economies, on average, total material use in all industrial economies is greater than 100 lb per person per day, not including water use. All of these materials have a life cycle. They are extracted from the lithosphere or biosphere, processed into commodity materials and products, then recycled or disposed of. Most industrial systems use materials once, with no engineered recycling systems. It could be argued that the low rates of material reuse in industrialized economies are due to the inherently low value of materials in wastes; however, empirical evidence suggests that much more extensive mining of materials from wastes could be done economically. Doing so requires a convergence of knowledge concerning the flows of materials in industrialized economies and the development of separation technologies suitable for recovering critical materials. This presentation will review the evolution of industrial extraction of raw materials from waste streams over the past several decades.

Critical Materials at the Department of Energy

D. Bauer, Department of Energy

View presentation here.

The U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) 2010 and 2011 Critical Materials Strategy reports examined the role of rare earth elements and other materials in the clean energy economy. Sixteen chemical elements were assessed for criticality in wind turbines, electric vehicles, photovoltaic thin films and fluorescent lighting. The methodology used was adapted from one developed by the National Academy of Sciences. The criticality assessment was framed in two dimensions: importance to clean energy and supply risk. Last year, DOE funded the Critical Materials Institute (CMI). CMI's mission is to assure supply chains of materials critical to clean energy technologies—enabling innovation in U.S. manufacturing and enhancing U.S. energy security. DOE's and CMI's strategy for addressing critical materials challenges rests on three pillars. First, diversified global supply chains are essential. To manage supply risk, multiple sources of materials are required. Innovations in separation and processing can lead to the economic exploitation of new resources. Second, substitutes must be developed. Research leading to material and technology substitutes will improve flexibility and help meet the material needs of the clean energy economy. Third, recycling, reuse and more efficient use could significantly lower world demand for newly extracted materials. Research into recycling processes coupled with well-designed policies will help make recycling economically viable over time. This presentation will address DOE's 2011 assessment of criticality, subsequent market developments, and related work supported by DOE since the report was issued. It will include additional reflections on defining and assessing criticality.

Speaker Bios