(36c) Carbon Capture Vs Lithium Ion Batteries – Which Pairs Better with Renewable Electricity? | AIChE

(36c) Carbon Capture Vs Lithium Ion Batteries – Which Pairs Better with Renewable Electricity?


Utilities are under increased pressure to decarbonize their electricity production. As a result, utilities are increasing the share of intermittent renewable power sources including wind and solar. Meanwhile, many states and countries are reducing their dependence on nuclear power. These trends are creating an environment where utilities are expected to provide reliable power based on increasingly intermittent sources. To achieve the desired level of reliability, utilities will need technologies that can bridge the differences between when power is being produced versus when power is being consumed. Grid scale lithium-ion batteries have received significant attention for this purpose while others suggest that fossil-fuel based systems with carbon capture could provide greater reliability in the event of prolonged disruptions due to extreme weather.

This talk will consider benefits and challenges for both carbon capture and lithium-ion technologies and where they may play a role in future utility decarbonization.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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