Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Addressing the Gaps Exposed by the Pandemic | AIChE

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Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Addressing the Gaps Exposed by the Pandemic

Advanced Manufacturing Progress

In 2021, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) received supplemental emergency funding from Congress and issued the “Rapid Assistance (for) Coronavirus Economic Response (RACER)” funding opportunity. RACER encouraged the “Manufacturing USA institutes to propose high-impact projects designed to fund awards for research, development, and testbeds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.” The RAPID Manufacturing Institute teamed up with some of its members, proposing projects addressing several of the most critical needs raised by the coronavirus emergency. This article discusses the three awarded projects.

Accelerated modular process development (AMPD). During the early months of the pandemic, meeting the increased demand for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) was challenging. Domestic capacity for these APIs is limited since most of the manufacturing capability has moved offshore. Although returning manufacture of specific APIs to the U.S. would help, the AMPD project is taking a broader view in order to prepare for the next pandemic. The project will develop and demonstrate a standardized methodology for accelerated process development using modular process operations, thereby enabling a quick domestic scale-up of...

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