Introduction to Catalysis and Industrial Catalytic Processes | AIChE

Introduction to Catalysis and Industrial Catalytic Processes


April, 2016





This book explains the fundamental principles of catalysis and their applications in an introductory text intended to excite those contemplating an industrial career in the chemical, petroleum, alternative energy, and environmental fields. It focuses on non-proprietary, basic chemistries with descriptions of important, currently-used catalysts and catalytic processes. The authors provide practical examples, recommendations and cautions throughout the book, along with simplified process diagrams.


C. H. Bartholomew

C. H. Bartholomew  is an emeritus professor at Brigham Young University . He continues to conduct catalysis research, serve as a consultant, and teach AIChE short courses in catalysis. He has been principal investigator or co-investigator on more than 70 grants and contacts and has supervised more than 175 research students. He is the author or co-author of five books.  ...Read more

Lucas Dorazio

Lucas Dorazio is a senior research chemical engineer at BASF, where he manages a team focused on development of new refinery catalysts. He is also an adjunct professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he teaches environmental and industrial catalysis.Read more

Dr. Robert J. Farrauto

Dr. Farrauto has a long and distinguished record in industrial catalysis research. Among his important contributions is the development of catalysts that abate engine emissions, particularly diesel engines. He has contributed to many other successful commercial developments, including:

  • Zeolite additives to trap hydrocarbon emissions during cold start, which allowed technology to be developed for heavy-duty diesel engines to be used for diesel passenger cars
  • Fast light-off ammonia oxidation catalysts for the production of nitric acid
  • Catalyzed monoliths
  • ...Read more

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