Lourdes F. Vega | AIChE

Lourdes F. Vega

Citation name

Vega, L. F.


MATGAS Research Center and Carburos Metálicos, Air Products Group



Dr. Lourdes F. Vega is the Director of MATGAS, a strategic alliance between the company Air Products, the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a research center focused on sustainable processes and products. She is also the Business Technology Manager of Agrifood & Water for Merchant Technology at Air Products. She joint Air Products in 2007, after holding positions at Cornell University, as a Postdoctoral Associate (1992-1995), at the University Rovira I Virgili in Spain, as a Professor in Chemical Engineering (1995-2003) and at CSIC as a Senior Research Associate (2003-2007). Author of the book “CO2 as a resource, from capture to industrial applications”, more than 150 papers in refereed journals and 3 patents. She has participated in several competitive and industrial projects, supervised several PhD thesis and postdoctoral researchers. Elected Physicist of Excellence in 2010 by the Spanish Collegiate of Physicists.

Associated proceedings 

2013 AIChE Annual Meeting