2025 Spring Meeting and 21st Global Congress on Process Safety April 6-10, 2025 Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX
Archived Webinar Want to be an Entrepreneur? Personal Stories From Three Successful Entrepreneurs Who Have Traveled This Path.
Armin D. Ebner Citation name Ebner, A. D. Affiliation University of South Carolina State SC Country USA Authored(21a) 13X Zeolite Modification for Process Scaling and Design of Large Scale PSA CO2 CaptureHuan JiangJames A. RitterArmin D. EbnerCem Celik2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2)Evaluation of an Expanded PTFE Structured Adsorbent for Gas Separation and PurificationRyan SandersSulaimon A. AdegunjuBehnam F. KisomiCharles E. HollandArmin D. EbnerJames A. RitterGuo Shiou FooBob GrassoSteve K. StarkJeff KnopfJoe W. Henderson2023 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1120-2) Associated proceedings 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting