RAPID Session | AIChE

RAPID Session

Addressing Water Issues with Modular Solutions: ...

Addressing Water Issues with Modular Solutions:

Friday, Nov. 16th, 1pm–3pm

Register here

RAPID will hold a roadmapping session at the end of the Industrial Water Use and Reuse Workshop to explore the gaps or issues within water use and reuse that could potentially be addressed with MCPI. During the initial roadmapping for the RAPID Manufacturing Institute, water was identified as a key issue in almost all of the six focus areas. Key themes were: product recovery, process water purification and management, waste/effluent processing and water recovery in pulp and paper, fracking water in gas production, separation methods, and water R&D.

During the event, a RAPID representative will present an overview of the RAPID manufacturing institute and the institute’s roadmap, emphasizing the issues related to water. This will be followed by small group breakouts focused around natural gas upgrading, chemical and commodity processing, and biorenewable products. Facilitated small groups will refine the gaps already identified by RAPID and build on this list of gaps. The workshop will end with large group discussion to prioritize the gaps.


For more information, feel free to email Michelle Bryner at michb@aiche.org.