DIPPR Gold Standard | AIChE

DIPPR Gold Standard

  1. Hallmark: The most accurate recommended values and temperature-dependent correlations available.
  • Marker 1: Raw data – The database includes a comprehensive collection of experimental raw data for chemicals included in the database. This is primarily a Process Marker and is codified in DIPPR’s Policies and Procedures Manual ©.
  • Marker 2: Database currency –Evaluated using an in-house derived weighting factor. Marker 2 is measureable in terms of a Impact Factor (IF) which is an indicator of the impact that “unevaluated” data could have on the recommended constant property values and the temperature-dependent correlations. Whenever a new property value is reported in the literature, the IF  indicates when a property is out of date and a “matrix” review is warranted.
  • Marker 3: Accuracy – The recommended values and temperature correlations are based on a critical, comprehensive evaluation by experts of the available data including inter-property relationships, inter-chemical relationships, and predicted/expected values.  This includes evaluation by one or more industrial sponsors. Marker 3 is mainly a process standard.  Every new chemical, every systematic-review chemical, and every matrix-review chemical undergoes the same rigorous evaluation by senior staff, the project coordinator, and the sponsor review panel.  This process standard is unique to the DIPPR project and is the heart of the Gold Standard.  Additionally, 58 automated QC checks are used in the process to eliminate potential errors.
  1. Hallmark: A complete set of properties for each chemical in the database.
  • Marker 4: Unmeasured properties – The most accurate prediction methods available have been used to predict properties that have not been measured. These methods include in-house evaluation based on inter-property and inter-chemical relationships. Marker 4 is also a process marker, primarily satisfied by adherence to the DIPPR Policies and Procedures Manual ©.
  • Marker 5: Unknown and inappropriate properties – Properties that do not apply to certain chemicals have appropriate notes documenting decomposition, sublimation, and other chemical and physical constraints. Marker 5 is the main indicator of the “completeness” hallmark of the DIPPR database.