Justifying Improved Management of Loading Hoses | AIChE

Justifying Improved Management of Loading Hoses


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




Justifying Improved Management of Loading Hoses


There are several sources of loading hose failure rate data. However in general these data sources provide failure rates without regard to the situation in which the hose is used. One of the most vexing aspects of this subject is that there are several variables associated with loading hose specification, usage, maintenance, replacement and more that are known or suspected to have a dramatic effect on the failure rate, but there is no method for quantifying these variables. For this reason it would be useful to develop failure rates that are situation-specific, which in turn plants could use to justify improvements in their hose management policies. In the absence of actual data, this paper intends to solicit expert opinion from industry prior to or during the conference, and publish the results of the survey and suggested failure rate modifiers at the 2020 conference or in an issue of Process Safety Progress.

The conference presentation will present the current published data, as well as the proposed modification factors. To the extent that it is possible to do so without prejudicing ‘real time’ responses to the survey, the presentation will discuss general features of any survey results received in advance of the conference.

NOTE: This is being submitted for poster session only. BakerRisk has already submitted its allotted number of abstracts for the LPS presentation slots, and this abstract is not intended to be taken in preference to either of those two slots. In its current form, it is probably more suited as a poster.


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