Improving Process Operations with Continuous Pressure and Vacuum Filtration Technologies | AIChE

Improving Process Operations with Continuous Pressure and Vacuum Filtration Technologies


Perlmutter, B. A. - Presenter, BHS-Filtration Inc.

This presentation discusses lab testing, pilot testing and scale-up for converting chemical processes to continuous filtration technologies from batch filtration operations. Three case histories are presented illustrating the benefits of continuous pressure or vacuum filtration, cake washing and drying.

In the first continuous process a liquefied gas slurry is used to produce a specialty chemical. In the second pharmaceutical process, the objective is to replace the current batch centrifuge with a technology that would be suitable for conversion to a continuous process. In third application, for a biochemical process, continuous vacuum filtration replaces batch candle filters.

The presentation includes technology descriptions, process testing and installation details. The overall scheme can be used by process engineers to develop optimum continuous pressure or vacuum filtration solutions for high-solids slurry applications.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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