75th PICHE National Convention | AIChE

The year 2014 marks an important milestone for the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers, with the celebration of its Diamond Anniversary. 

The theme of the convention is "PICHE: A Glorious Past, A Challenging Future."

Submit Your Abstract Now!

Get your submission in as soon as possible for review by the organizing committee.

AIChE Member Events Discount

Did you know that annual AIChE memberships offer great discounts on conferences and events? Become a member and the discount to this one event will practically cover the rest of the year!


The proceedings of Systems Metabolic Engineering of Microorganisms for the Production of Chemicals and Materials are now available

Funding Opportunity Available

Thanks to the AIChE® Foundation, we have a limited number of stipends to cover conference registration and up to $500 in travel support. Members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.