(2hv) Computational Living Matter through the Lens of Biomolecular Condensates, Active Systems, and Data-Driven Learning | AIChE

(2hv) Computational Living Matter through the Lens of Biomolecular Condensates, Active Systems, and Data-Driven Learning

Research Interests:

Living matter embodies the culmination of core chemical engineering principles -- reaction kinetics, transport phenomena, thermodynamics. As a faculty candidate, I will uncover fundamental rules underlying key biophysical processes through theory and computation and harness their immense potential in creating and controlling bioinspired materials, smart microfluidics, and synthetic forms of life.

Firstly, in my past work, I developed a novel computational method to investigate phase separation in elastic networks, unraveling the physics of biomolecular condensates in the intracellular environment. In my independent research, I will elucidate the interplay between phase separation, elasticity, and activity in living cells and inspire the engineering of actuatable composite materials.

Secondly, I discovered new modes of pattern formation that arise from the coupling between motility and response to chemical fields, opening new directions in the emerging field of active phase separation. Building on this advance, I will study new territories of motility in complex environments for harnessing the huge design space for synthetic forms of life.

I also developed data-driven techniques to learn the physics and heterogeneity from images of phase-separating and reactive nanoparticles. In my future work, I aim to unlock new methods of discovering predictive models, design, and control strategies of active systems from experimental and simulation data.

My independent research group will recruit trainees with diverse interests and backgrounds and provide core training in establishing a solid theoretical foundation and computational fluency. I will seek government and foundation grants that align with my goal to advance the fundamentals and societal impact of engineering living matter.

Teaching Interests:

Grounded in my ChemE education and research, my teaching interests include computational methods, fundamentals of chemical engineering as well as emerging areas including biophysics, soft matter physics and electrochemistry. I am committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion through my research, teaching and service, recognizing their critical importance for innovation and excellence.


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