(190d) Partnerships Drive UCOR Workplace Recruitment and Retention | AIChE

(190d) Partnerships Drive UCOR Workplace Recruitment and Retention


UCOR, an Amentum-led partnership with Jacobs, is strongly committed to developing the current and future workforce to accomplish the hazardous multi-decade environmental cleanup of land and aging contaminated nuclear facilities on the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge (TN) Reservation. Successful completion demands well-trained and highly-skilled workers experienced in their discipline or craft and dedicated to safe operations. This presentation will focus on the recruitment, training and retention of the UCOR workforce through multiple avenues, including UCOR in-house training, internships and partnerships with trade unions, regional higher educational institutions, HBCUs, and regional technical schools. Examples include establishment of UCOR’s university consortium, promoting participation in STEM-related fields, and increasing interest by minority students in science and engineering careers.