LGBTQ+ & Allies Reception: Hosted by AIChE Leadership | AIChE

Join AIChE and foundation leadership for the 2nd Annual reception for LGBTQ+ members and allies.

Enjoy hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, music, and an opportunity to network with other LGBTQ+ & Ally chemical engineers.

AIChE diversity initiatives

In 2015, AIChE developed published its Diversity & Inclusion Statement and began developing programming with volunteers for a variety of diversity and inclusion initiatives. Among these are Safe Zone workshops and receptions for LGBTQ+ and allies at both the Annual and Spring meetings. In 2017, we began publishing Featured LGBTQ+ Chemical Engineering Professional blog posts to help showcase LGBTQ+ members contributing to our profession.


Learn more about AIChE's Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives.

Join the soon to launch LGBTQ+ & Allies online Community at