May 24, 2016: Watt does it does it take to build a solar airplane? | AIChE

May 24, 2016: Watt does it does it take to build a solar airplane?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 11:00am EDT
In-Person / Local
529 14th St. NW
13th Floor
Washington, DC
United States

AIChE-NCS has been invited to attend a special presentation by our friends at Solvay about the science behind the Solar Impulse project, their globe-circling, solar-powered plane! Those in the DC area are invited to attend in person, but anyone who can't make is welcome to watch online.

Learn how a solar-powered airplane flies around the world --- without a drop of fossil fuel! The National Press Club will host an expert panel discussion around the science behind Solar Impulse 2, now on its record-breaking voyage! 
Mark your calendars for a LIVE conversation about the first plane to fly around the world, both day and night, on solar energy alone. To learn first-hand how this feat is accomplished, be sure to join this special event to meet experts from the American Chemical Society and Solvay who will explain the science behind the plane. The briefing is open to the press and public, but registration is required. Click here for webcast details and to register
The event will take place on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 11:00 am USEDT. Those in the Washington, DC area are welcome to attend in person at the National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC. 
For questions, please contact: 
Joan Coyle
American Chemical Society
David Klucsik 